Monday, March 24, 2008

Make One Man Weep, Make Another Man Sing

Obviously, I am not used to severe weather shifts. I woke up this morning feeling intensely hungover, only without the convenient excuse of having had anything alcoholic to drink last night. Regardless, when light triggers migraine-throbbing and moving is an exercise in unpleasantness, I am not terribly likely to go into work.

I don't get it, though. I was never sick (even marginally) this often in the States. Here, I got sick a couple times in November, and now twice in March. More than slightly irksome. It could be, as I originally attributed it, due to the bipolar weather (seriously, sunny and warm one day, snowing the next), or it could be that I'm just not used to whatever microbes are living around here, or a combination thereof.

What sucks is that I was feeling all right yesterday, minus a minor bit of insomnia. And now... moving hurts. Joint soreness, muscle soreness... I just hurt. And it's irritating. It's a gorgeous day out, my brain is restless and wants to go out exploring, trees are starting to bloom and I want to take pictures. So of course, I get stuck at home.

At least I'm not violently rejecting food this time.

Later, flipsiders.

1 comment:

kive said...

Hope you feel better, dude