Thursday, July 17, 2008

Lay Your Weary Head To Rest

Well. That was an unexpected and unpleasant end to an otherwise nice week.

Long story short: A week ago, Milena got here for an extended visit. Last night, she and I ended things.

...This morning was kinda awkward.

I wish it could have worked out differently, but I don't see how. I suppose I could have proposed to her, but I'm nowhere near ready to make that commitment, even if she was dropping all sorts of hints that that's what she wanted.

As previously mentioned, she wants a family and kids. A lot. Again, as previously mentioned, I am not in a place to make that sort of step, yet. Add to the mix the long-distance thing, and we combine that with the uncertainty of the whole situation (with less than a year to go before a final decision would have to be made one way or another), and it was really hurting her.

So, we talked it out, and even though we both love each other, the situation just wasn't sustainable, and wasn't likely to change. That didn't make watching her walk out the door this morning any easier.

Per usual, I'll deal with it, even if I'm not happy about it.

Later, flipsiders.

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