Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Once More, They Will Replenish Themselves

Well. Today's been off to a spectacular start. I woke up this morning to my fan falling out of my window onto my bed. I went to check email and the like, and my computer was displaying a message informing me that Windows had failed to start properly.

Ok, I think... No worries, I'll try again.


I try with "Last Good Configuration"

...Still nothing.

I try Safe Mode.

...Same story.

Remove CDs from my computer, try again.


The good news is, the BIOS is still working, so I know the MoBo's not fried. The bad news is, I have no way of getting to my data, which is necessary for quite a bit of my Peace Corps prep, and the external HD I've ordered for the purposes of backup hasn't arrived yet. Thus I have, as they say, a problem.

I am also more than slightly irritated by this whole mess.

Time to get non-computer-based stuff done, I suppose.

Bloody machine.


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